Revolutionizing Process Automation with Tailored Cloud Solutions

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With our innovative cloud-based solutions, we empower organizations to streamline operations, drive efficiency, and fuel sustainable growth like never before.

Our Solutions

Our solutions offers methodologies, best practices, tools, and resources to support organizations through each stage of migration, from assessment and planning to execution and optimization.

Workflow Automation

Automate repetitive tasks and streamline complex workflows with our intuitive automation tools. From data entry to document processing, our solutions empower you to optimize processes and improve productivity across your organization.

Custom Solutions

 Tailored to suit your unique requirements for maximum ROI and customer satisfaction.

Analytics and Insights

Gain valuable insights into your processes and performance with our advanced analytics tools. From real-time dashboards to predictive analytics, Ankercloud empowers data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

Security and Compliance

Protect your sensitive data and maintain regulatory compliance with Ankercloud's robust security features. From encryption to access controls, we prioritize the security and privacy of your information, giving you peace of mind as you automate critical processes.

Awards and Recognition

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Our Latest Achievement

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Public Sector
Solution Provider
SaaS Services Competency
DevOps Services Competency
AWS WAF Delivery
AWS Glue Delivery
AWS Lambda Delivery
Amazon CloudFront Delivery
Migration Services Competency
Public Sector Solution Provider
AWS CloudFormation Delivery
Amazon OpenSearch Service Delivery
Well-Architected Partner Program
Cloud Operations Services Competency

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Modernization & SaaSification of B2B Platform

AWS, Cloud
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Replication of On-premise Infrastructure into AWS Cloud on Docker Swarm platform

AWS, Cloud Migration, Europe
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Mobile AI Claims solution for Insurers

Cloud, AWS, Germany, Europe
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AWS, Cloud Migration, GCP

Why migrate with Ankercloud?

August 3, 2023
Each organization's migration journey is unique. We tailor our approach to meet your specific needs, ensuring a smooth and successful transition. Here's how we guide you through the migration process.

 1. Expertise and Experience 

Our team possesses extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in cloud migration, working with diverse industries and complex environments. We stay up-to-date with the latest cloud technologies and best practices to ensure optimal results.

2. Trusted by Global Hyperscalers 

We are a trusted Partner with >100 certifications from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Partner (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. Through these valuable alliances, we provide the necessary support for our customers to reach new heights in their business landscape. 

3. Comprehensive Migration Strategy

We take a holistic approach to migration, considering every aspect of your infrastructure, applications, and data. Our experts work closely with you to design a migration strategy that aligns with your business goals, minimizes disruption, and maximizes efficiency.

4. Seamless Execution

Our team follows a structured and proven methodology to execute your migration seamlessly. We meticulously plan each step, conduct thorough testing, and manage the transition to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth migration experience.

5. Data Security and Compliance

We prioritize data security and compliance throughout the migration process. With robust security measures and adherence to industry-specific regulations, we ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your critical business data.

6. Testing and validation 

Rigorous testing and validation are integral to our migration process. We conduct thorough testing of applications, workloads, and data to identify and address any compatibility issues or performance bottlenecks. Our staged approach ensures minimal disruption and optimal user acceptance

7. Hybrid infrastructure

 We enable a hybrid multi-cloud solution to fit your business needs, adopting cloud agnostic services when possible, to avoid vendor lock-in.

8. Ongoing Support and Optimization

Our commitment doesn't end with the migration. We provide 24/7 continuous support and optimization services to help you maximize the benefits of the cloud. From monitoring and performance optimization to cost management and resource utilization, we ensure your cloud environment operates at its best.

Ankercloud's Cloud Migration Services empower businesses to unlock the true potential of the cloud by offering expertise, comprehensive solutions, minimal downtime, scalability, and top-notch security. By choosing Ankercloud, you partner with a trusted migration service provider that will guide you through a seamless transition, enabling you to focus on your core business while reaping the benefits of the cloud. 

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What are the challenges of cloud migration?

August 3, 2023
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, many organizations are embracing the potential of cloud computing to drive innovation, enhance scalability, and improve operational efficiency. Nevertheless, the process of transitioning to cloud computing comes with its own set of difficulties.To ensure a successful transition, it is crucial to understand and address the obstacles that can arise during the cloud migration process. In this article, we explore some of the common challenges organizations face.

1. Data transfer and bandwidth limitations

Transferring large volumes of data to the cloud can be time-consuming and bandwidth-intensive. Limited network bandwidth or unreliable internet connectivity can result in extended migration periods, causing disruptions to normal business operations. Careful planning, including the use of data compression techniques, prioritization of critical data, and leveraging cloud-based data transfer solutions, can help mitigate these challenges.

2. Security and compliance concerns

One of the primary concerns when moving to the cloud is ensuring the security and compliance of sensitive data. Organizations must evaluate their cloud provider's security measures, including data encryption, access controls, and compliance certifications. Additionally, they need to assess whether the cloud environment aligns with their specific industry regulations and privacy requirements.

3. Compatibility and complexity of existing systems

Migrating existing systems and applications to the cloud can be challenging due to compatibility issues and complex dependencies. Legacy systems may require modifications or redevelopment to work efficiently in a cloud environment.

4. Lack of Migration Strategy and Planning

Lack of a comprehensive migration strategy and proper planning can lead to significant challenges. It's crucial to evaluate the existing infrastructure, determine the optimal cloud architecture, and establish a well-defined migration roadmap. Failure to do so may result in cost overruns, project delays, or even operational disruptions.

5. Effective cost management

Cloud migration introduces new cost models and pricing structures, such as pay-as-you-go or resource-based billing. Organizations must carefully analyze their usage patterns, optimize resource allocation, and implement cost management strategies to avoid unexpected expenses. Failure to monitor and control costs may result in budget overruns and inefficient resource utilization.

6. Vendor lock-in risks

Choosing the right cloud service provider is crucial, as switching providers later can be complicated and costly. Organizations should carefully evaluate vendor offerings, contract terms, and consider adopting a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud strategy to minimize the risk of vendor lock-in.

7. Organizational change and skills gap

Cloud migration often requires organizational and cultural changes. Employees need to adapt to new technologies, processes, and workflows. A lack of cloud expertise and skills within the organization can slow down the migration process and impact successful implementation.

8. Application dependencies and interoperability

Applications designed to operate in traditional on-premises environments may not function optimally in the cloud. Differences in infrastructure, operating systems, and dependencies can lead to compatibility issues, requiring modifications or even complete redevelopment of the applications. This challenge demands careful planning, extensive testing, and sometimes the need for skilled developers to ensure a smooth transition.

9. Operational resilience during outages or disruptions

Cloud service outages or disruptions can affect business continuity. Organizations must plan for potential risks and design resilient architectures to minimize the impact of downtime or service interruptions on critical business operations.

Navigating these challenges effectively requires a proactive and well-informed approach. Partnering with experienced cloud migration consultants or leveraging the expertise of cloud service providers can significantly ease the transition and ensure a successful migration journey.

At Ankercloud, we understand the complexities of cloud migration. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping businesses navigate these challenges and leverage the full potential of cloud technologies. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support your cloud migration journey.

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VisionForge, AWS, Real Estate, Design

VisionForge-A effective and efficient solution in the Real Estate and Design Sector

January 22, 2024

Prospective home buyers have many factors to consider when looking for their dream home; the neighborhood, noise, environment, and most important of all, the interior of the home itself. Creating an appealing image of one’s home has boomed India’s Interior Design market to $31.5 Billion in 2023 [1]. This includes furniture, modeling, and most important of all when it comes time to sell the house: shooting. An interior photoshoot service of a house, the optimal way to attract buyers to view and tour your house, can be expensive and intrusive, requiring hours if not days of on site photography, editing, and further development. Homesellers often have no other avenue to showcase their homes on websites other than availing these services. This is the problem that VisionForge from Ankercloud is aiming to tackle.

VisionForge is a solution that allows homebuyers to develop high quality, photo realistic, and sharp images of their home, given only a small set of reference images, and reference prompts to encourage adherence and consistency.  Prospective homebuyers can virtually walk through spaces, exploring every nook and cranny with unparalleled detail. From furniture placement to color schemes, potential buyers can tailor the visuals to align with their unique taste and lifestyle. This level of personalization elevates the home-buying experience. Extending their inquisitive designs to realistic visualizations with the high customization capabilities of VisionForge. This immersive experience transcends conventional property viewing, fostering a deeper connection between potential buyers and their envisioned living spaces.

VisionForge works by taking in a set of reference images from the user first. These can include wide shots covering a large area of rooms, or profile shots, focused on a set of objects closely. The room for experimentation and creativity is given to the user. Then, the user can customize their picture based on different color schemes, furniture layouts, lighting, and more. The solution will use templates of prompts combined with a set of parameters unique to each use case and inference to generate high quality images of customized rooms that fit their vision. This allows the user to paint with broad strokes on their home without ever stepping out of it. 

The model works in a two step process, first utilizing a custom trained text to image model that takes in the user’s prompts and settings to generate sets of photorealistic and sharp images that include key features of the rooms/sets in question. Then, the user will be able to edit various aspects of the images, such as colors of certain objects, position, or even the type or style of the objects themselves using an image to image model using inpainting and the Bedrock API from AWS.

Put together, VisionForge is an elegant solution to a prevalent problem, accessible through a single Sagemaker endpoint, robust and flexible enough to handle complex requests and comprehensive product modifications, delivering a stable and highly available product streamlined through the API gateway and Lambda functions. With AWS Bedrock providing a robust foundation, the entire process becomes scalable, reliable, and tailored to the unique demands of various clients and businesses.

VisionForge’s advanced capabilities in image generation bring a new dimension to real estate marketing, offering a personalized and immersive experience for prospective buyers. The tool goes beyond static representations, creating hyper-realistic depictions of interiors that transcend traditional limitations. The ability to visualize spaces in such detail minimizes uncertainties, allowing individuals to make informed decisions confidently. This level of personalization in hand elevates the home-buying experience, making it more engaging and emotionally resonant.

References: market#:~:text=The%20India%20interior%20design%20market,8.81%25%20during%202024%2D2032.  

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Ankercloud: Partners with AWS, GCP, and Azure

We excel through partnerships with industry giants like AWS, GCP, and Azure, offering innovative solutions backed by leading cloud technologies.

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