Google Cloud, Cloud Migration, IAM, Security

Setting Up Google Cloud Account and Migrating Critical Applications for Rakuten India

Key Challenges

Challenges included setting up a new India-specific Google Cloud account seamlessly, minimizing disruption during critical application migrations, implementing stringent data governance for compliance, and configuring automated monitoring for continuous application performance.

Key Results

Rakuten India achieved operational control with rapid server provisioning, cut costs by 15%-20% through infrastructure optimization, enhanced data governance with robust security measures, and ensured stability and scalability with automated monitoring.


Rakuten India aimed to establish a dedicated Google Cloud account for its operations in India and migrate a critical business application to the local region. Key objectives included enhancing data governance and automating service monitoring.


  • Account Setup: Ensuring seamless integration and governance across the new India-specific Google Cloud account.
  • Migration Complexity: Minimizing disruption to ongoing operations while migrating critical applications.
  • Data Governance: Implementing robust data governance practices to comply with regulatory requirements and internal policies.
  • Automated Monitoring: Setting up automated service monitoring to maintain application performance and availability during and after migration.


  • Development Environment: Ankercloud Cloud Architects established a secure development environment tailored for the India region.
  • Data Flow Pipelines: Implemented efficient data flow pipelines to streamline data movement and processing.
  • Migration Strategy: Adopted a phased approach starting with testing and followed by a lift-and-shift strategy to minimize downtime.
  • Technology Stack: Utilized Google Compute Engine for application hosting, Cloud Balancing for scalable instance management, and Cloud Storage for secure storage of XML and JSON files.
  • Automation and Security: Integrated Google App Engine for API authentication and task automation, alongside enhanced IAM policies for restricted access.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Enabled comprehensive cloud monitoring and logging to ensure real-time visibility into application performance and security.

Business Outcome

  • Operational Control: Rakuten India gained full control over their projects with the new Google Cloud account, facilitating rapid server provisioning.
  • Cost Efficiency: Achieved cost savings of 15%–20% by optimizing infrastructure usage and resource allocation.
  • Improved Data Governance: Strengthened data governance capabilities with enhanced security controls and compliance measures.
  • Stability and Scalability: Ensured a stable and scalable environment with automated monitoring and responsive scaling of resources.
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